Deeper Pro Plus Fishing GPS Wifi Bluetooth Fish Finder Mapper Pro +


The Deeper Smart Sonar Pro is definitely one of the most innovative echo-sounders in the fishing industry at this time. The Wi-Fi connection technology are a wide plus because of this product along with the clear realtime images are some of the features users will relish. This is a very efficient oral appliance I will definitely recommend buying for easier, convenient and enjoyable fishing.


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Der Deeper ist ein mobiles Echolot. Es wird an das Schnurende befestigt, ausgeworfen und mittel Rolle wieder eingekurbelt. Der Deeper selbst ist ein Echolot und sendet Schallwellen Richtung Gew??ssergrund. Sobald die Schallwellen auf ein Hindernis treffen, werden sie reflektiert. Ein Echo entsteht. Die Echoschallwellen gelangen nun zum Deeper zur??ck, der sie empf??ngt und per WLAN an die Deeper App sendet. Hier wird aus den Echos ein Bild errechnet, das und den Blick unter Wasser erm??glicht.

The bait casting reel mounts to the top level of the bait casting rod. This has more uses as opposed to spinning combo, while this spinning combo requires more coordination to work with. The line comes off these reels in the top, so it doesnt twist, however, the anglers thumb is used to aid control the speed the road unwinds off of the reel when casting. Basically, in case you forget to place your thumb down over the fishing line for the reel, or dont use enough pressure, the reel spins faster as opposed to line can be from the guides, therefore it results in a big mess of snarled, tangled line called a backlash, or even a “woof” or various other descriptive names.

The Smart fish finder works with dual beam sonar frequencies. One at 290 kHz which has a 15?? beam as well as the other at 90 kHz utilizing a 55?? beam. The narrow beam gives more details from sonar readings, as the wider beam scans a larger area. When combined they have the best of all possible and let you take a look at what lies underneath the water’s surface.

You can view the Deeper sonar’s battery level within the app (shows only if the sonar device is within the water or plugged in for the charge and attached to the app). Alternatively, it is possible to unscrew the Deeper sonar’s cap, wet your finger and touch both metal pins in the bottom of the device simultaneously. Check the LED light’s response as a possible indication of battery charge level.